【日式照燒雞扒飯】 |烹飪食譜教學 |香港味道 | Japanese Teriyaki Chicken Rice Recipe

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Welcome to my channel! Today, I will teach you how to make a simple yet delicious Japanese Teriyaki Chicken Rice. This dish is easy to prepare and perfect for family dinners. Let's get started!

材料 Ingredients:
Teriyaki sauce 照燒汁:適量

Chicken fillets: 2 pieces
Teriyaki sauce: To taste
White rice: 2 bowls
Onion: 1 (sliced)
Mushrooms: 4 (sliced)
Spring onions: A few (chopped)
Bonito flakes: A few (optional)
Sesame seeds: A few (optional)

步驟 Steps:
1. 醃雞扒:將雞扒放入鋼盆內,倒入適量的照燒汁,均勻搓揉,讓雞扒充分吸收照燒汁。用保鮮膜封好,放入冰箱至少一小時。
2. 腌制洋蔥和蘑菇:將切好的洋蔥和蘑菇炒香,並放在不銹鋼框底部作為墊底。
3. 煎雞扒:將雞扒皮向下放入鍋中煎至金黃,再翻面煎至熟透。
4. 烤雞扒:將煎好的雞扒放在墊底的洋蔥和蘑菇上,塗上適量的照燒汁,放入氣炸鍋或焗爐,180度烤8-10分鐘。
5. 煎蛋皮裝飾:用小火煎蛋皮,煎好後放涼,切絲作為裝飾。
6. 擺盤:將飯放入碗中,鋪上切好的雞扒和炒香的洋蔥和蘑菇,最後撒上蔥花、木魚絲和芝麻。

1. Marinate the chicken: Place the chicken fillets in a bowl, add the teriyaki sauce, and rub evenly. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least one hour.
2. Prep the onions and mushrooms: Sauté the sliced onions and mushrooms until fragrant and place them at the bottom of a baking dish.
3. Pan-fry the chicken: Place the chicken fillets skin-side down in a pan and fry until golden brown, then flip and cook until done.
4. Bake the chicken: Place the fried chicken fillets on top of the sautéed onions and mushrooms, brush with more teriyaki sauce, and bake in an air fryer or oven at 180°C for 8-10 minutes.
5. Prepare egg garnish: Using low heat, pan-fry the egg until fully cooked. Let cool, then slice into thin strips.
6. Plate: Serve the rice in bowls, place the sliced chicken on top, and garnish with the sautéed onions and mushrooms. Finally, sprinkle with spring onions, bonito flakes, and sesame seeds.

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