This Could Be Their LAST TIME

Описание к видео This Could Be Their LAST TIME

I am finally feeling better but I still have a sore throat. I got up early once again to take Aliyah to school and go to an early gym session. I am really loving these early starts as I feel I can get so much done in a day. Today is the kids swimming lessons and sadly this could be their last for a while and we will update you soon why. As parents we are so proud of how far our kids have come since starting these lesson and to think at first we were not sure about it but now we definitely are happy. Aliyah and Mimi have gained so much confidence, Aliyah has moved groups and can swim with no floaters, and Mimi can swim on her own and do some pretty cute tricks now. These skills are life skills and it will come in very handy especially since we love to travel. Andy waited until rush hour was done and went to the gym to finish of the day.

HOW I LOST 10lbs in 31 days and Andy 16lbs

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