Staircase walk - natural gait pattern.How to walk up and down

Описание к видео Staircase walk - natural gait pattern.How to walk up and down

#stairs #staircasewalk
#stairclimbing#foot #heels #inversion #sole #plantarfasciitis
We have to train our muscles with their own ancient memory as our walking skill we are losing fast because of automation and reputative joints movements.
Additional tips:
Use handrails for support if needed
Take smaller steps to maintain balance
Keep eyes focused forward, not down at the stairs
Some additional points to consider:
Handrail usage for support, especially for those who need it
Taking smaller steps to maintain balance
Keeping the knees slightly flexed to control descent
Avoiding rushing or taking large strides
Proper stair walking technique is crucial for maintaining balance, preventing injuries, and conserving energy.

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