Michael M. Haglund, MD, PhD

Описание к видео Michael M. Haglund, MD, PhD

Neurosurgeon, spine surgeon Michael M. Haglund, MD, PhD practices at Duke Neurosurgery of Raleigh & Duke Raleigh Hospital. Learn more at https://www.dukehealth.org/find-docto...

About Dr. Haglund

I’m an epilepsy surgeon and specialize in waking up patients during the middle of the surgery, so we can check their language area and remove the epileptic area. We also have a new, cutting-edge procedure that’s just come out involving laser ablation. It’s basically outpatient brain surgery. You make a tiny hole in the back of the skull to remove the hippocampus – something that used to take six hours of surgery that now takes about 45 minutes, and you go home the next day. My other specialty is cervical and lumbar spine disease, mainly cervical. I’ve done over 4,700 cervical procedures since I’ve been at Duke – about 300 a year. Before surgery, I think it’s important to sit down with patients and discuss the images of their condition. We take time to show them their films and go over everything with them, then make sure we’ve outlined what their surgery is going to involve. One of the things Duke has that’s very important is the Duke Spine Center, a team that comes together to provide a complete range of outstanding spine care, including conservative care, surgical approaches and follow up.


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