High Cyanuric Acid Levels & How it Effects Your Pool & Some Ways to Lower it Down & Keep it Down

Описание к видео High Cyanuric Acid Levels & How it Effects Your Pool & Some Ways to Lower it Down & Keep it Down

One of the most common water balancing issues is having high Cyanuric Acid (CYA) in your pool. Cyanuric Acid often referred to as Conditioner or Stabilizer is added to the pool in order to slow the chlorine burn off caused by the Sun's UV rays. But if you use 3” Chlorine Tablets (Trichlor Tablets) you will be adding Cyanuric Acid to your pool on a constant basis. Here I will discuss the effects of high CYA in your pool water, how to correct it and ways to prevent it from rising to high levels again.

Your Pools Conditioner Level or Cyanuric Acid level, which I will refer to in this articles with the abbreviation CYA, is a critical part of balancing your pool water and keeping it clear and blue all season long. If your CYA level is very low the Sun's UV rays will cause the chlorine to burn off quickly leaving your pool with no sanitizer or very low levels.

Very high CYA levels will make the chlorine in your pool less effective which means you will have too keep the levels at 5.0 ppm or higher and your pool. Your pool may also develop algae blooms even with high chlorine levels present. These algae blooms are also hard to get rid of in a pool with very high CYA levels. High levels of CYA will also give you false ORP readings if your pool uses ORP to measure the safety and swim-ability of the water. High CYA also will give you a false Alkalinity readings, if you test the Alkalinity and it is at 100 it is more likely at 70 due to the CYA level being so high.

The ideal level of CYA in your pool is 30-50 ppm and up to 80 ppm of you have a salt water pool. So testing the Cyanuric Acid level in your pool at the beginning of the season is crucial. There are many ways to test the CYA level in your pool including the standard Turbidity test, digital testing and test strips. Here is a video detailing the Turbidity Test Kit:

Cyanuric Acid Level with a Pentair R151226 79 Cyanuric Acid Test Kit:    • Testing your Cyanuric Acid Level with...  

Testing the CYA level in your pool if you suspect very high levels can be challenging. The standard Turbidity Test Kits only work effectively to 100 ppm. If you get an initial reading over 100 ppm you will have to do a dilution test of 50% tap water and 50% pool water. If the reading is still high you will need to use 75% tab water and 25% pool water and so on. Each time you dilute the sample the reading become more difficult to nail down accurately. Test strips are a great alternative in pools that have high CYA levels.

LaMotte actually makes a test strip that will read CYA levels up to 500 ppm accurately. This is a very handy test strip to have if you service pools for a living. Just dip the test strip in and then match it up to the side of the tube where there is a color chart.

Since Cyanuric Acid does not naturally leave the pool water if you add it to your pool through the use of 3” Chlorinating Tablets the levels will constantly rise. These 3” Trichlor Tablets are about 50% Conditioner per tablet by weight, so as you use them in the Summer you are constantly adding Cyanuric Acid to your pool water. The only way Cyanuric Acid leaves the pool water is through backwashing and splash out. As the water evaporates the Cyanuric Acid will remain in the pool. So to lower the CYA level in your pool you will have to do a partial or full drain of the pool water.

There is a product called Bio-Active which I have tested but the results can be hit or miss depending on your initial CYA level. The product does seem to be effective but for the price it will not lower the CYA levels down significantly enough for the investment verses draining your pool partially. The Bio-Active product is made for pools with CYA levels under 200 ppm in my opinion. If your levels are over 200 ppm draining the pool is the most effective way of reducing the levels. Once you reduce the CYA level to under 100 ppm reduce your use of the 3” Tablets.

More on Bio-Active:
Bio-Active Cyanuric Acid Reducer – Overview:    • Bio-Active Cyanuric Acid Reducer - Ov...  
Bio-Active Cyanuric Acid Reducer - Application and Field Testing:    • Bio-Active Cyanuric Acid Reducer - Ap...  
Bio-Active Cyanuric Acid Reducer in six sample pools:    • Test Results for Bio-Active Cyanuric ...  

An effective way to limit your 3” TriChlor tablet use is with the PoolRx or Remington Solar Chlorine-Free Sun Shock which both use Copper to augment the chlorine in your pool. With one of these in your pool the chlorine levels will remain very steady and high allowing you to reduce your chlorine use and thew use of 3” Tablets. You would also switch over to liquid chlorine which does not add Cyanuric Acid to your pool.

Testing your CYA levels:
How to Check the Cyanuric Acid (Conditioner) Level :    • How to Check the Cyanuric Acid (Condi...  
Cyanuric Acid Level with a Pentair R151226 79 Cyanuric Acid Test Kit:    • Testing your Cyanuric Acid Level with...  

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