Review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

Описание к видео Review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

The OECD Corporate Governance Committee is reviewing the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The review was launched in November 2021 and will be completed in 2023. OECD, G20 and FSB members participate in the review, as well as other countries through the Committee’s regional Roundtables (Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa).

The Terms of Reference and Roadmap agreed by the Corporate Governance Committee sets out the main priorities and timeline for the review. The review’s overall goal is to strengthen the Principles, in particular by adapting relevant elements to the post COVID-19 environment, taking into account any structural effects of the crisis on capital markets and corporate governance practices. The revised Principles will aim to strengthen corporate sector resilience through better risk management and to improve companies’ access to finance from capital markets.

In October 2021, OECD Ministers and G20 Leaders supported the Committee’s decision to review the Principles. Ministers and Leaders “recognised the importance of good corporate governance frameworks and well-functioning capital markets to support the recovery, and looked forward to the review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance”.

A public consultation on proposed revisions to the Principles will be held in fall 2022.

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