Advice For The New Flight Instructor Looking For A Job

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Aviation Careers Podcast Episode 309 : Advice For The New Flight Instructor Looking For A Job

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today we answer a listener question regarding how to get a job as a flight instructor in a challenging hiring environment.

Listener Mail:

I heard Carl as a guest speaker on the Aviation News Talk podcast and loved the insights he had on how to become a career pilot. Currently, I am at a large flight school and am starting to look for a Flight Instructor job near me.

Last year, anyone with a pulse got hired as a flight instructor. Now, the landscape is the complete opposite.

Even with the incredible support from the flight academy and my school, finding an open flight instructor position is a herculean task. From a career coaching and recruiting perspective, what services does the Aviation Careers Podcast offer that could help me find open positions and then help me be better prepared for the interview?

View Pilot Interview Course on YouTube at

Try to get hired with your current flight school since there is preference usually given to customers.
Create a pilot resume.
Develop your story.
People hire people not resumes.
Create a LinkedIn Profile and include all your certificates, hours, and accomplishments.
Make your LinkedIn Profile look like your resume.
Learn how to sell yourself.
What is unique about you?
Past accomplishments, background, military, etc.
Practice interviewing through our career coaching or with someone who has experience.
Do something every day until you get a job.
Read books about getting hired and selling yourself.
How to win friends and influence people.
Your job is to get a job.

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