Do's & Don'ts with Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment - Dr. Sharad Kulkarni

Описание к видео Do's & Don'ts with Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment - Dr. Sharad Kulkarni

Diet and lifestyle are collectively called as ahara and vihara in Ayurveda bare very much important during and after Panchkarma. There are certain rules and regulations, which are to be followed by this therapy. Panchakarma those are the 5 therapies of purification of the body or the panchashodhanakarma. So they have specific rest and regulations which they have to followed with respect to the diet and lifestyle or aahara and vihara. Few of the restrictions concerned to panchakarma and after pachakarma are avoiding direct exposure to sunlight or direct exposure to winds, rains or overstrenous activities physical or mental and avoiding long distance travelling by any means and sleeping during day times and keeping awake at night , these all thigs are to be avoided. Person undergoing panchakarma has to maintain celibacy. In short he or she has to avoid all kinds of physical or mental strains, when it comes to food during panchakarma, the food which is freshly prepared, warm, not containing much of masalas and spices and not continuing much of dals, which is not too much I the quantity or too less in the quantity and it has to be consumed only when there is proper appetite or whenever the person is hungry. These are the few rules and regulations and restrictions during panchakarma. A person who wants to undergo panchakarma can get detailed rules and regulations by an Ayurvedic expert or by an Ayurvedic physician.


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