How I fertilize my Orchids in self watering pots

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Today we talk about my fertilizer regime, as some of you wanted to know how I do this in the self watering pots!
▼▼▼More info below!▼▼▼

Since I recently started the self watering setup, some of you were wondering how fertilizing goes. It is pretty much the same as it always was, low dosages more often :) I use the MSU fertilizer    • Trying out MSU Orchid fertilizer   with both organic and inorganic mix.

In the terrestrial mix I use a combination of tap water and osmosis water and I dose fertilizer until I reach 250 - 300 ppm. In LECA I use only osmosis water with 150 - 200 ppm total salts after fertilizer. I also use a bit of ph down until 5,5 or 6 pH. Here is my discovery that LECA raises pH    • LECA alters pH - Possible solutions f...  

In tannin rich mixes I don't use pH down as the medium acidifies the water on its own. I want to be more on point with flushing the medium through soaking once a month or so the entire pot.

How I water my orchids fast    • Watering 150+ Orchids FAST - under 1 ...  

#MissOrchidGirl #Orchids
Eveningland - Nimbus
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✿ My Orchid growing setup explained:
Watering:    • Watering my Orchid collection | Orchi...  
Pots:    • Orchid pots and containers | Orchid s...  
Light:    • My artificial light setup for Orchids  
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