Corps of Royal Engineers - Highlights 2024

Описание к видео Corps of Royal Engineers - Highlights 2024

This year's highlights video jumps on the back of the #britisharmy "You Belong Here" campaign. However, this year the campaign has been extended to ask "What's In It For Me?" Obviously, we had to give it a #sapperfamily twist. We hope you enjoy it?

Our sappers are always busy! They deploy all over the globe on Operations and Exercises. Including places like Kenya, South Sudan, Canada, the Falkland Islands, Belize, Mali and the Caribbean to name a few. 2024 has been no different and has seen many challenges in the UK and around the world. Our #sappers are always ready to take on any challenge everywhere - #Ubique.

You can get more information about what we do by searching for royal engineers on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You can also visit our two websites which are linked below:


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