Col Agnel - Colle dell'Agnello France Italian border

Описание к видео Col Agnel - Colle dell'Agnello France Italian border

Cal Agnel or Colle dell'Agnello is a mountain pass in the Cotian Alps, west of Monte Vis between France and Italy that connects the Queyras valley with Pontechianale in the province of Cuneo, Piedmont. At 2,744 m, it is the third highest paved road pass in the Alps, after the Stelvio and the Col de l'Iseran. The top of the pass is also the border between France and Italy. I'm trying to describe the beauty of that pass, but I can't find the words to convey what a motorcyclist can experience there, so let it stay that way. Although we tried to record as much as possible, it is impossible to convey what that pass offers. It doesn't matter from which side you approach, from Italy or France. It's just as beautiful.
Cal Agnel ili Colle dell'Agnello je planinski prijevoj u Kotskim Alpama, zapadno od Monte Visa između Francuske i Italije koji povezuje dolinu Queyras s Pontechianaleom u pokrajini Cuneo, Pijemont. S 2744 m, to je treći najviši asfaltirani cestovni prijevoj u Alpama, nakon prijevoja Stelvio i Col de l'Iseran. Sam vrh prijevoja ujedno je i granica izmeđi Francuske i Italije. Pokušavam opisati ljepotu tog prijevoja, no ne nalazim riječi koje bi dočarale ono što jedan motociklist tamo može doživjeti pa neka tako i ostane. Iako smo se potrudili snimiti što više, nemoguće je dočarati ono što taj prijevoj daje. Svejedno je s koje strane prilazite, iz Italije ili Francuske. Jednako je lijepo.



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