Session IPA Brew Day - Brewzilla 35L - The Community Brew Shop

Описание к видео Session IPA Brew Day - Brewzilla 35L - The Community Brew Shop

The Community Brew Shop
Saint John, NB - Canada


Thanks for watching! The Community Brew Shop prides itself for its commitment to homebrewers across Canada. We carry nothing but fresh, high quality ingredients - including locally grown hops & New Brunswick grown and malted 2-row! We offer free local delivery in the Greater Saint John NB area, and competitive shipping rates across Canada.


In this video we walk through a full Session IPA brew day, with our newest toy. We recently invested in a 35L Brewzilla to better support customers that use all in one systems, or the BIAB method. As we get brews under our belt with this amazing piece of gear we can better help customers with recipe design, ingredient choices, and technical details like grain crush & step mashing.



1:38 Day set-up & Brewzilla programming
4:20 Mash In
7:21 Mash Out
7:45 Lifting the Mash Pipe
8:37 Sparge
10:57 60 min Hop Edition
16:42 Filling the Carboy & Final Thoughts


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