Demo of a Nordmende Model 3004 (Export Model) Radio After Refurbishing

Описание к видео Demo of a Nordmende Model 3004 (Export Model) Radio After Refurbishing

I refurbished this Nordmende Model 3004 for a friend - I replaced the tubular electrolytics and one tubular (mylar) capacitor, replaced the selenium rectifier with silicon rectifiers/series resistor, replaced several out of tolerance resistors, cleaned switch contacts and controls, etc, re-aligned the AM and FM IF and RF circuits, and cleaned-up the cabinet. This video is a brief demo of it operating on each of the bands.
On the video, I note that I was not sure what the 'FM Automatic/AM Sound' switch was for: it switches the automatic frequency control (AFC) on/off when on FM. I think there was something 'lost in the translation'...


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