A Prison Lullaby for Donald Trump

Описание к видео A Prison Lullaby for Donald Trump

Donald Trump has reportedly been a complete bundle of nerves lately with his recent indictments, looming trials and his ever present thoughts of how he'd fare in prison overall. Mangy Fetlocks feels this is a real shame. Having spent time in jail himself (his dad had the contract to paint the local county jail and Mangy helped out) Mangy recognizes that jail is a dreary place with almost NO gold toilets or faux Louis XIV furniture. In order for Trump to really enjoy and benefit from the whole prison experience and lifestyle, Trump will need to learn to chill a bit. That's why Mangy wrote this lovely prison lullaby. Also, Mangy figures if after just a short time Trump was able to memorize "Man Woman, Camera, Person, TV", in Trump's remaining ten years in the clink, he could learn this whole song, and possibly sing it at prison receptions and dinner parties.

Don’t be scared Li’l Donald, don’t be scared
It will help if for prison, you’re prepared
Though you’re guilty and dumb,
Secret Service will come.
What you do in your cell will get shared.

Don’t be shy Little Donald. Don’t be shy
though in prison you’re likely to die.
Try to make some new friends
picking those who pretend
you are not such a horrible guy.

While you’re in there, try to not be a snitch
or some psycho inmate’s little bitch.
Bribe the guards if you want extra stuff.
If you don’t, life is gonna be rough.

Don’t stand out Little Donald, don’t stand out
All alone in your cell, don’t you pout.
30 years ain’t so long
Heck, in ten you’ll be gone.
Living longer than that, I would doubt.
copyright 2023, Bruce W Nelson


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