Fenamenal Black & Gold Sessions Ep. 05 : Maandy Kabaya & Vallerie Muthoni

Описание к видео Fenamenal Black & Gold Sessions Ep. 05 : Maandy Kabaya & Vallerie Muthoni

For the final episode of B&G Sessions, Fena hosts these two incredible young women who are shaping the next generation of Kenyan music with their impeccable bars and attitude to match.

With the grand finale, Fena features Maandy & Val on a brand new acoustic single "P*ssy Power" for B&G Sessions. The official audio is set to be released on 17th June 2021.

A big thank you to Jameson EA, The Chat Room, Just BMG and #TeamFena for bringing the #FenamenalBlackandGold vision to life.


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