Amiga 500 Longplay [039] Shadow of the Beast III

Описание к видео Amiga 500 Longplay [039] Shadow of the Beast III

Played by: Ironclaw

10 times better than Shadow of the Beast 1 and 2.

00:05 - weird they show a stretched version of 01:35.

06:16 - "DOOr" text by the lever Pfft Can't be because of too low res for enough pixels to make the necessary details, as I could make a good looking "R" myself by adding 3 pixels in the right places. So, they either did a typo (lower case instead of upper) or they suck.

08:58 - jumping to show how the head and speech bubble ends up too far to the right. They should have added an invisible border so you can't get further than the point I start to jump from.

12:13 - couldn't get back on it, which you SHOULD be able to. Stupid bug. Luckily I could get to the next place without it.

12:24 - you are supposed to fly above these balls with the bird-thingy, but as it bugged I had to try and get past them somehow. After A LOT of tries, I managed, holy moly it was tough, had to move at the exact millisecond and step at the exact pixel distance left and right to not get hit (which = insta-death). You are probably not supposed to be able to get past them without the bird.

13:34 - I was like "OK, now I just have to jump up on the bookcase and climb up the ladder, but nope, you could start climbing the ladder THROUGH the bookcase (no, don't think he's climbing the bookcase, that's no excuse for lazy programming!).

14:41 - These type of puzzles are sooo easy. I only have a bit of trouble with the last row sometimes, so at this mark, I noticed that I couldn't get the last 3 blocks in the order I wanted them, so I redid the third row. I'm not sure if the combination of the last row is correct, but it's the one I think look the best, so all the red things are under each other and an empty space to the right. This puzzle is not needed to complete the level, but did it anyway for a more completed longplay.

15:20 - this puzzle bugs if you don't move right. It can move through the walls, but doing so bugs it so you can't pick up or drop a fish. The goal here is to get them to eat each other, leaving just one left, that one is supposed to be the fish in the top right tank (I think), as I've noticed in other longplays, that fish doesn't harm the player when he passes through it. I did my own combo and had another fish left alive, one that hurts you, but no problem, I just placed him close to the surface so I can duck under him. In fact, you can just place them all near the surface and duck under them without being hurt, thus no need to make them eat each other.

17:22 - if you don't stand under the crystal when it drops, it falls to the ground and you can't pick it up, so you have to kill yourself or something to restart.

17:50 - TOO easy for a last boss. Could have jumped+shoot like I did at the end to get more hits and kill him even sooner, but no rush, yet he died too fast so you didn't get to see when he shoots blue lightning. Maybe he does more, but didn't play that long to find out -
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