Blending Cultivars to Create Full Spectrum Cannabis Medicine

Описание к видео Blending Cultivars to Create Full Spectrum Cannabis Medicine

Wendy Kornberg and Wade Laughter talk about cannabis salad - mixing cultivars when creating oil, tinctures and hash to create the fullest spectrum medicine that includes the widest range of terpenes and flavonoids along with specific ratios of cannabinoids and a dash of lots of minor cannabinoids.

We sat down at Heartwood Sanctuary in Humboldt where dozens of regenerative cannabis cultivators gathered to talk about cannabis cultivation

Dragonfly Earth Medicine - DEM Pure Certification

The Pure Certification represents professional outdoor full sungrown, greenhouse, light deprivation, indoor cultivated legally licensed cannabis farms and companies that process, extract or sell Pure Certified Cannabis. It represents large scale farms to boutique craft farms. These farms grow food, bee pollinator gardens, save seeds, create polyculture systems, provide fair and equal pay to all employees, and grow much of their own nutrients. They have created closed loop systems in their cultivation that help ensure the purity of their inputs and their medicine. Hügelkutur beds, swales, and many carbon sequestration techniques are used to create health and balance of soil. Local plant ferments and dynamic teas are created as liquid nutrients. Minimal inputs are needed from the marketplace. Closed loop cultivation is key to all farms and businesses that are certified.

Wade Laughter is a master cannabis cultivator know for identifying and propagating the high-CBD strain know as Harlequin. In addition to cultivating premium cannabis for nearly two decades, Wade has specialized in CBD-rich cannabis cultivation in Northern California for the last ten years. He is a researcher, speaker and activist about cannabis. Wade also advocates for patients’ access to safe. clean, affordable medicine, while providing cultivators with information on Best Management Practices.

In addition to tending to the garden, Wade also consults with patients who are members of his collective, works on the herb farm or is guest speaking at cannabis panel discussions.

Wendy Kornberg, founder of Humboldt's Full Sun Farms and CEO of Sunnabis, is a second generation farmer in Southern Humboldt County. Her family owned and operated small farm practices sustainability and regenerative farming techniques, with the health of the planet and future generations always in mind. Kornberg's beliefs in cannabis as an all natural remedy have led her brand, Sunnabis, to receive accolades and awards for not only top quality flowers, but also for salves, tinctures, and bath and beauty aids.

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