UNIVERSE show me how GOOD it can get!

Описание к видео UNIVERSE show me how GOOD it can get!


Universe show me how good it can get!!!!

This message came to me clearly and I felt it so deep within me! 🥹

So I have to say:

Thank you Universe for showing me this new way, thank you for all my struggles because they brought me here to clarity, thank you for testing me over and over again just to check how serious I was! Thank you for all nonbelievers and all the people who made me question myself over and over again because thanks to all of them I have struck GOLD within me! By constantly refusing the bad and envisioning the best I finally found it! I have so much belief in every single person here because it’s possible! It’s possible to get on the other side, greater than ever! It’s not about the manifestation, it’s about the feeling, and the feeling will bring you to the end point you desire, but ENJOY AS IF IT IS ALREADY CERTAIN THAT YOU HAVE IT! Because you do!

Universe show me how good it can get!

I get tingles just from thinking about this statement because it puts me directly at my perfect end point. But it actually never is about the end. I know, I know you heard it a million times but if you truly, truly, deeply believed that the best of the best IS POSSIBLE for you, you wouldn’t doubt for a second if or how it’s gonna happen!


Enjoy the ride.


Because if you do so I promise you 🙏 your desires will come no matter how your reality is looking right now!

this can help 🥰



If you wanna support your gal pal you can buy me a coffee :)) at



Dear life thank you
Thank you for everything I have
Thank you for all my experiences
I am so grateful for everything I have
Universe show me how good it can get
Universe show me the best of the best
I am open to receiving
I am open to abundance
I accept this affirmations to be true
I am worthy of the love and abundance now
I get to be universes FAVORITE
I am blessed
Thank you God for showing me how good life can be
I believe I am worthy of the best
I am the best
I am money and love now
I vibrate at the frequency of my dream self
I am the highest possible version of me
I love me
I get to wake up being me!
I am a miracle
There is plenty of evidence showing miracles are possible
Universe has my back
I have always been supported
I adore me and my life
I am grateful for everything in my life
My presence is a blessing
I bless everyone with my magnetic energy
I am magnificent
I am powerful
I am competent
I am strong and resilient
I am a master manifester
My manifestations are quick and easy
I get to have all my desires come true
Actually I am already living my dream life
It’s so easy being me
I give out so much love because I am love
I get to have anything I want

#lawofassumption #lawofattraction #loa #subliminal #nevillegoddard #louisehayaffirmations #powerfulsubliminal #strongsubliminal#subliminalmessages #subliminalstimuli #powerofpositivity #positivethinking

I do NOT guarantee anything, use on your own responsibility :)


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