Logan's Dusk - Fallout: New Vegas Ep 14 "Gloves Off"

Описание к видео Logan's Dusk - Fallout: New Vegas Ep 14 "Gloves Off"

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►Series Playlist: bit.ly/logandusk
►Airing Saturday's every fortnight at 1500EST -500UTC

We finally return to New Vegas as Logan's mind is whole again for the first time in many many years, yet a gap in his memory still remains. Why did he leave DC and why was he carrying the Platinum Chip that fateful night with Benny. There is but one answer to those questions and it shall lead Logan down a Lonesome Road.


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This won't be a traditional Let's Play of Fallout: New Vegas, this play through will be following the life of Logan & I will be playing the game in character. That is right, this means internal dialogue, character development, decisions made by the character, not the player & all the good and grand things that come from playing the game this way.

►Mod List:
Monetization permission granted by Bethesda Softworks http://www.bethblog.com/bethesda-vide...


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