Impression Formation and Stereotypes | Impression Formation | Stereotypes | Hindi-Urdu

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Impression Formation and Stereotypes | Impression Formation | Stereotypes | Hindi-Urdu #psychology #socialpsychology #letslearn #mindreview #khansirlatestvideo #stereotypes
Impression formation; Stereotypes
Impression formation is a process by which individuals make judgments about the personality
traits, attitudes, and behaviors of other people based on initial cues or information available.
Stereotyping is one of the common processes involved in impression formation, where
individuals rely on their preconceived beliefs and assumptions about a group of people to form
an impression of an individual from that group. In this lecture, we will explore the concept of
impression formation, the role of stereotypes in the process, the factors that influence impression
formation, and the implications of stereotyping on social interactions.
The Process of Impression Formation:
Impression formation is a natural and automatic process that occurs when individuals meet or
interact with each other for the first time. It involves a rapid assessment of the available cues or
information, which can be physical appearance, verbal communication, nonverbal behavior, or
contextual factors. These cues provide individuals with a basis to form an initial impression of
the other person, which can influence subsequent interactions.
The process of impression formation can be explained through two models: the bottom-up model
and the top-down model. The bottom-up model is a data-driven process where individuals form
an impression based on the available information without relying on preconceived beliefs or
assumptions. In contrast, the top-down model is a conceptually driven process where individuals
form an impression based on their pre-existing beliefs, attitudes, and stereotypes.
Role of Stereotypes in Impression Formation:
Stereotyping is one of the primary factors that influence impression formation. Stereotypes are
beliefs and assumptions about the characteristics and behaviors of a group of people that are

generalized to all individuals from that group. Stereotypes can be positive or negative and can be
based on various factors such as race, gender, age, religion, and socioeconomic status.
When individuals encounter someone from a particular group, they tend to rely on their
stereotypes to form an impression of that person. For example, if an individual meets an Asian
person, they may assume that the person is good at math or has a strong work ethic. Similarly, if
an individual meets a Black person, they may assume that the person is athletic or has a natural
rhythm. These stereotypes can be inaccurate, harmful, and limit individuals' ability to form
accurate impressions of others.
Factors Influencing Impression Formation:
Several factors can influence impression formation, including the context of the interaction, the
characteristics of the target person, and the characteristics of the perceiver.
Contextual factors such as the physical environment, social norms, and cultural values can
influence impression formation. For example, if an individual meets someone in a formal setting
such as a job interview, they may form an impression based on the person's dress,
communication style, and qualifications. In contrast, if an individual meets someone in a social
setting such as a party, they may form an impression based on the person's appearance, humor,
and social skills.
The characteristics of the target person such as their physical appearance, behavior, and
communication style can also influence impression formation. For example, if an individual
meets someone who is confident, friendly, and articulate, they may form a positive impression of
that person. Similarly, if an individual meets someone who is rude, disinterested, and
unresponsive, they may form a negative impression of that person.

The characteristics of the perceiver such as their beliefs, attitudes, and personality traits can also
influence impression formation. For example, if an individual has a positive attitude towards
people from a particular group, they may form a positive impression of someone from that group
even if they do not exhibit positive traits. Similarly, if an individual has a negative attitude
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