Prom queen | Multifemale

Описание к видео Prom queen | Multifemale

I've wanted to make an edit like this for a while now. In most kdramas, there's always this second lead girl that everyone hates. But the thing is, i often tend to like those characters more than the main sometimes. I definitely think they have a better storyline. But many fans of kdramas just hate on those characters instead of trying to see why they behave the way they do. Those "evil" characters often have problems at home or some other issue that they are hiding. So in this edit, i wanted to show more of their emotional side and not just how they are pretending to be.


Love alarm
The producers
Cheer up
Sky castle
The world of the married
Cheese in the trap

Song: Prom queen by Molly Kate Kestner

I don't own anything except the editing!


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