meditation| සියලු සත්වයෝ සුවපත් වන මෛත්‍රී භාවනාව වැඩීමෙන් ආයුශ වැඩි වේවා |maithree bawanawa

Описание к видео meditation| සියලු සත්වයෝ සුවපත් වන මෛත්‍රී භාවනාව වැඩීමෙන් ආයුශ වැඩි වේවා |maithree bawanawa

සියලු සත්වයෝ සුවපත් වන මෛත්‍රී භාවනාව වැඩීමෙන් ආයුශ වැඩි වේවා | balagathu maithree bawanawa

live pirith =    • balagathu pirith බෝවන රෝග වසංගත රෝග ස...  

බලන්ගොඩ ධම්මානන්ද හිමි

Pirith Sermon is an ancient method of preaching which has the ability to get success and wealth..We know that we all use this Pirith Sermon since the time of Lord Buddha...Especially listening and reciting Pirith Sermon to remove mental defects and relieve stress. Doing it contains the virtues of the trinity....reduces physical ailments and increases mental strength....economic strength through the blessings and blessings received from listening to it in financial matters. You will also get the ability to listening to these songs daily, you will live happily and make your dreams come true as well as get rid of all the sins.... ..Pirita is a method of protection that has existed since the distant past...its content is included in the book of Pirwana. The Buddha qualities of the Buddha, the Dhamma qualities of the Dharma Ratna and the Sangha qualities of the Sangha are the true words that exist in the world...but the truth is included....those true words are released into this great universe and are received as a blessing in the necessary places.. ..Blessings are very important things for all of us to succeed in is obtained by listening to these kind sermons and praying...having a correct understanding of its meaning is also very important to get results and having faith is also important. ..Reciting this pirith leads to the ultimate protection and blessings...It also leads to getting rid of various troubles and dangers that come in life...It also leads to getting rid of various diseases that occur in us... It also leads to mental relief .... It also leads to success in life ... It also leads to getting rid of economic problems .... If you ask the pirith first to do every good work, if you meditate, it will bring very good results. ...Pirith is a preaching method with such power. ...You also listen daily and make your life successful.... May all the animals be happy! Be healthy! Get well! May everyone receive the blessings and immense strength of this great universe! Many thanks to this great universe!


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