The Story of Nachiketas | Sri M | Sacred Grove, TX

Описание к видео The Story of Nachiketas | Sri M | Sacred Grove, TX

In this video, Sri M, explains the meaning of the last syllable of 'Om' , i.e. the 'M' or 'Mmmmm' sound and its use in the Bhastrika Kriya. He then illustrates the burning desire needed in order to progress spiritually, with the inspiring story of young 'Nachiketas' and his persistence to learn the knowledge of 'Immortality'.

This is the recording of Day 2, Session 2 of the Spring Retreat 1, held at Sacred Grove, Graham, TX, USA, the retreat centre of Blossom Foundation.

Session 2, continues in the video ' A dialogue' which will be released on 19th August 2023.

00:00 - 'M' and 'Mmmmm' of 'Om'
02:05 - Use in Bhastrika Kriya
04:05 - Reason for slow spiritual progress
06:04 - The Yagna
11:00 - Nachiketas questions his father
14:30 - The boons
18:32 - Yama tries to tempt Nachiketas
19:29 - The persistence of Nachiketas
20:34 - The reasons for the success of Nachiketas' spiritual quest
21:16 - The only priority
22:07 - 'Om' the bridge

The Spring Retreat 1 (2023) was held from 26th May 2023 to 28th May 2023, at the Sacred Grove, Graham, Texas, the retreat centre of Blossom Foundation.

Visit us at for information about Sri M and the activities of Sacred Grove, Graham, Texas.

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