Leave Meghan Markle Alone

Описание к видео Leave Meghan Markle Alone

These are the clips of Netflix's Harry & Meghan documentary that spoke to me the most. Clips that I found to be relatable themes, that touched me and broke my heart for this celebrity who is above all else, a real person just like the rest of us are real people with reactions, families, emotions, and the capacity to feel pain.

I spliced together these clips from episodes 4 & 5 to show the devastating impact that conservative, archaic institutions can have on an outsider that they refuse to embrace because she's different. She had so much potential for positive change, but when institutions are biased, and they jump to conclusions and exaggerated punitive measures, that can break a person. Combined with countless lies and blind hatred, that can have a real-world impact on the life and mental health of any human being.

I recommend watching Netflix's Harry & Meghan to watch the inspiring romance of this couple and the turmoil they have been put through. This docu-series was the first time my eyes were opened to how much we need to #AbolishTheMonarchy. But more than anything, #LeaveMeghanMarkleAlone. Let this woman have her peace.

#RoyalFamily #PrinceHarry #Spare


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