Don't Afraid Your Hope Will Not Be Cut Off | Pas Jacob Koshy | Tamil Christian Message

Описание к видео Don't Afraid Your Hope Will Not Be Cut Off | Pas Jacob Koshy | Tamil Christian Message

Friend, your hope will not be cut off! This is actually a “part two” to my previous article, “The God of Hope Will Restore You!” I began by introducing a scripture out of Genesis chapter 4. Adam and Eve had suffered the loss of their son, Abel, who was killed out of jealousy by his brother. It was a devastating blow to their family and the future generational line of the coming Messiah. God had to do something to insure their hope would not be cut off! Whenever death, loss and devastation try to claim a person’s hope, God has another plan. Whenever grief and disappointment want to overwhelm a person’s emotions, God has another plan. Whenever jealousy and anger rise up to kill off a person’s hope for the future, we can rest assured that God has another plan. In verse 25, the scripture reads, And Adam knew his wife again and she bore a son and named him Seth, (saying) “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.”

We delved into this subject briefly in the previous article. The subject of this article is more focused on the scandalous side of God, and how He will seemingly break all the rules just to restore a person’s hope and future. He did it in the case of Tamar. She was an unlikely candidate for a breakthrough. What is amazing about this next story is that God was willing to disregard something considered taboo in order to give this tenacious woman hope for her future. The story of Tamar is found in Genesis 38. Something that is taboo is considered absolutely prohibited or forbidden by social or customary beliefs, tradition or law. It is something considered absolutely improper or unacceptable, and breaking a taboo will definitely cause strong personal reactions. This is what Tamar did, and God honored her for it, so let's take a look at why.

This is an aspect of God’s character people may not stop to think about and many probably don't like. They would say it doesn't fit with their ideal that God has to "play fair." But God's standard of "fair and just" is not based on human standards or opinions. It is based on His ability to see every aspect of the situation, taking everyone's heart, motive and actions into consideration. He takes into consideration everything the enemy has done. God is not concerned about offending people. Jesus offended people all the time. We all need to be prepared for the chance that God will do something to deliberately offend us at some point in time. As I said, God can be pretty scandalous at times. Why He approves some situations and not others is up to His judgment alone, but He is committed to restoring hope! When offense occurs, a person will probably not be prepared for it, but how you handle any offense is key to your own right standing in your relationship with God and others. Jesus equated slander and evil speaking to a spirit of murder, (Matthew 5:21). This is a spirit of Cain. God is quite aware of those that speak with the purpose to slander someone else's reputation or intentionally try to destroy their hope and future. He knows what motivates people. Murder begins in the heart, and we must each guard our heart and our mouth so that we don't speak the wrong things. Friends, let me tell you something. If you give your heart and mouth over to this sort of behavior you will not come into your promises. You can never expect God to open the door to what He has for you if it comes at the expense of destroying someone else's character. You cannot expect to come into your promise land by the act of violence. (Read Ps. 44:3,4). God brings a person in by His grace and His favor. If a person tries to take it by force, it shall be their undoing. God will take from one person's inheritance and give it to someone else more worthy.
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