Does Paul EVER urge us to PREACH publicly? And what levels of AUTHORITY are there for Paul?

Описание к видео Does Paul EVER urge us to PREACH publicly? And what levels of AUTHORITY are there for Paul?

[CORINTHIANS -- Messy church is normal, even necessary -- 27]
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Does Watchtower teach that there is only ONE reason a marriage can be dissolved? It seems that Jehovah's Witnesses, in this as in so many other things, have gone the way of the world. Many former Jehovah's Witnesses are seeing their marriages dissolve with little or no attempt by JW mates -- and especially by JW elders -- to salvage the marriage. It seems that the "binding covenant", as far as is concerned, is your baptism INTO "Gods organization".
What was the essential assumption which gave birth to the cults? No doubt Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Ellen G White and Mary Baker Eddy read their Bibles. Undoubtedly most of their followers had a prayer life as well as a Bible, and all of these faiths birthed in the 19th century encourage religious meetings and create new structures and institutions. Despite their many differences, they all have in common a repudiation, even a disdain of, the catholic (universal) consensus. What makes that catholic consensus -- the creeds going back at least 15 centuries -- more trustworthy than the novelties of the 19th century? What is the Bible basis for the concept of catholic consensus?
[See "Corinthians for Jehovah's Witnesses" and "He Gave Teachers" booklets at website, "PDF archive"; see also Corinthians Bible studies (for ALL Christians, not just JWs) on the same website, in the section "Studies"]

TOPICS: Leon Morris; Frederic Godet;; cults; Watchtower; Jehovah's Witnesses; church divisions; propaganda; mind control; Holy Spirit; FDS; New World Translation; Trinity; Christology; Pneumatology
#jworg #watchtower #jehovahswitnesses #cultsandextremebeliefs #propaganda #mindcontrol #Corinthians #Corinth #election #DeityofChrist #holyspirit #pneumatology #triumphalism #replacementtheology #realized eschatology #gnosticism #celibacy #asceticism #prostitution #gnosticism #gnostics #Trinity #antitrinitarianism


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