Marvel Snap's BEST Pool 2 Ongoing Deck: Enter Sandman

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In this Marvel Snap deck guide, Alex takes you through one of Marvel Snap's BEST POOL 2 ONGOING DECKS, the Sandman Control Deck!

Alex's Twitch channel:   / alexandercoccia  
To use this Marvel Snap Beginner deck, copy this code to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Marvel Snap.

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3) Marvel Snap Best Pool 2 Deck: Sandman Control Deck Guide:    • Marvel Snap's BEST Pool 2 Ongoing Dec...  
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Marvel Snap:

MARVEL SNAP unleashes the complete MARVEL multiverse into a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping, strategic, card battler. Marvel Snap is the ultimate strategy card game where Marvel heroes from all over the multiverse come together to give you an unforgettable experience. Marvel Snap is the evolution of modern collectable card games.
0:00 Intro
0:37 Card and Deck Explanation
4:34 Game 1 (Absolutely insane game)
6:56 Game 2 (Sandman locks it down in a close one)
8:54 Game 3 (Spectrum is pure value)
Marvel Snap Best Pool 2 Deck: Sandman Control Deck Guide
   • Marvel Snap's BEST Pool 2 Ongoing Dec...  
I am a member of the Marvel Snap content creator program (

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