Cord Cutting with a specific person.subliminal⚠️THEY WILL FEEL IT

Описание к видео Cord Cutting with a specific person.subliminal⚠️THEY WILL FEEL IT

Say their first and last name three times either in your head or out loud then let the subliminal do the rest of the cord cutting. You can dance, lie down, sit. You can use with or without headphones.

The purpose of the subliminal is with harm to none, calling back thoughts, memories, pulls, anything from this lifetime, dimensions or any past lifetimes. Calling back all your power clean and recalibrated then cutting the cords.

"With love to all and harm to none, I call back all my energy from the name mentioned at the beginning of the video. Any thoughts, any memories, any pulls, anything in this lifetime, In this Universe, in this galaxy, in this dimension or any other past lifetimes. The energy is mine and I call it back clean, recalibrated and only belonging to me. May I be free from the ties that bind us, may all cords be cut, transmuted and burnt to ashes. So mote it be" x3

disclaimer: this is extremely powerful and they will feel it (but won't know what's going on) so they may contact you or try to come back. stand firm on keeping them out of your life or the cords will just keep reattaching.

listen daily for 2 weeks. But if you're dealing with a catalyst twin flame, karmic or narcissist you may want to do 30+ days

you will feel the affects pretty quickly.

blessed be 🖤🖤

Headphones are always preferred with any subliminal, but if you do not have any headphones then you can sit next to the speaker (safely) so your subconscious can pick up the affirmations. If not just listen as and when you can.
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Suffering from a narcissist?
Check out my 2 subliminals that are on offer for less than half price 1 hour long.
Aura cleanse, Pull out negative cord attachments from narcs and give to mother earth. Fill that space with the runes of dark forces protection, love, strength and courage. Calm down the cortisol levels/addictions (from being around them)
Protection from narcissist telepathy/attacks/astral
All 7 chakras individually + seal of protection. Strong boundaries.
Transmute their negative energy to source love consciousness. Healing/protection codes.
This healing subliminal took me over a week to do, it is very powerful and detailed:

Subliminal with reiki/shamanic/energy healing £30 -

Subliminal only £15 -

For your own personalised subliminal,
energy healing, online courses or spells


#cordcutting #breakupsong #breakup #subliminals #subliminal


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