Glen Scrivener & Matt Dillahunty • Morality: Can atheism deliver a better world?

Описание к видео Glen Scrivener & Matt Dillahunty • Morality: Can atheism deliver a better world?

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Matt Dillahunty, host of The Atheist Experience, and Glen Scrivener, director of Speak Life, debate whether atheism or Christianity can deliver the morality we need for a better world.

The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the Christian and atheist community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human.

Episode 6 | Season 2 of The Big Conversation

Listen to more sparkling conversations every week via the Unbelievable? podcast

The Big Conversation Season 2:

1. Alister McGrath & Bret Weinstein: Pt 1    • Alister McGrath & Bret Weinstein • Re...   Pt 2    • Alister McGrath & Bret Weinstein • Au...  

2. Roger Penrose & William Lane Craig    • Sir Roger Penrose & William Lane Crai...  

3. Bart Ehrman & Peter J Williams    • Peter J Williams vs Bart Ehrman • The...  

4. Dave Rubin & John Lennox Pt 1    • Dave Rubin & John Lennox • Is God dea...   Pt 2    • PART 2 Dave Rubin & John Lennox audie...  

5. Tom Holland & AC Grayling    • Tom Holland vs AC Grayling • History:...  

6. Matt Dillahunty & Glen Scrivener    • Glen Scrivener & Matt Dillahunty • Mo...  

The Big Conversation Season 1:

Jordan Peterson & Susan Blackmore    • Jordan Peterson vs Susan Blackmore • ...  

Steven Pinker & Nick Spencer    • Have science, reason and humanism rep...  

Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles    • Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles • Ca...  

John Lennox & Michael Ruse    • Michael Ruse vs John Lennox • Science...  

Daniel Dennett & Keith Ward    • Daniel Dennett vs Keith Ward • Are we...  

Peter Singer & Andy Bannister -    • Do we need God to be good?  

The Big Conversation is produced by Premier in partnership with the Templeton Religion Trust

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