Why DM awakening is so painful process as compared to DF? 😢😢 Twinflame Journey 👩‍❤️‍👨

Описание к видео Why DM awakening is so painful process as compared to DF? 😢😢 Twinflame Journey 👩‍❤️‍👨

Hello! It’s me Sinthia Mangi (Ascending Angel), welcomes you to my channel. I have expertise in Tarot Card Readings, Spiritual Reiki Healings, and Counseling.

You are now welcome to my personal (not business) Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/invites/con...

I have two YouTube Channels, Make sure you Subscribe to both of them on the following links:
Twinflame Couple Ascension:   / ‎@twinflamecoupleascension  
Mystical Healing Centre:    / ‎@mysticalhealingcentre  

I offer the following services in my two different companies:

WhatsApp to Twinflame Couple Ascension @ +91-7719435123 for the following services:
1. Love Tarot Reading for Soul Journey Confirmation (10 Mins Call before Reading + 40-50 Minutes WhatsApp Recorded Reading)
2. Special Couple Healings (Tarot Reading + Inner Work Guidance + Couple Candle Healing Spell)
3. Couple Compatibility Reading (10 Mins Call before Reading + 40-50 Minutes WhatsApp Recorded Reading)
4. Soul Purpose Reading for Career Guidance (10 Mins Call before Reading + 40-50 Minutes WhatsApp Recorded Reading)

WhatsApp to Mystical Healing Centre @ +91-7998887888 for the following services:
1. Aura Scanning (4-5 Page PDF Reading delivered within 1-2 hours)
2. Divine Reiki Healings (21 Days- Kundalini Reiki/ Students Reiki/ Love Couple Reiki/ Money Reiki)
3. Counseling Sessions (1 Hour G-Meet Session with counseling note provided in pdf)
4. Tarot Readings (Mini Reading, Detailed Reading, Live Reading Session) Note- It does not confirm soul journey of couple, for that contact my other company.

Twinflame Journey Playlist:    • TWINFLAME VIDEOS  
Karmic Journey Playlist:    • KARMIC JOURNEY  
Inner Healing Work Playlist:    • INNER HEALING WORK  
Soul Journey Playlist:    • SOUL JOURNEY  
Universal Shifts Playlist:    • UNIVERSAL SHIFTS  
Manifestation Work Playlist:    • MANIFESTATION TECHNIQUES  
Different kinds of Soul Journeys (Higher self, Twinflame, 3- D & 5- D Soulmates/Karmics):    • Different Kinds of Soul Journeys | मै...  
Kundalini Activation (Journey of Higher Self):    • Kundalini Activation | Journey to Hig...  
Part – 1 Twinflame Journey (Birth & Childhood of Twinflames):    • Part 1 👩‍❤️‍👨 Twinflame Journey | Bir...  
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Part – 2 Twinflame Journey (When DM meets DF for first time):    • Part - 2 👩‍❤️‍👨 Twinflame Journey 👩‍❤...  
Part – 3 Twinflame Journey (Mini separation stage when DM leaves DF):    • Part - 3 👩‍❤️‍👨 Twinflame Journey 👩‍❤...  
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Part – 7 Twinflame Journey (Journey of DM with Karmic, DF with Soulmate, Awakening of DM, Energy of DF during Major Separation):    • Part - 7 👩‍❤️‍👨 Twinflame Journey 👩‍❤...  
Part – 8 Twinflame Journey (Final Union of DM and DF):    • Part - 8 👩‍❤️‍👨 Final Union Of Twinfl...  
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#Twinflame #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #union #separation #reunion #twinflamecouple #awakening #spiritualjourney #soul #soulpurpose #divineblessings #divinetiming #divinehealing #spiritguides #angels #angelicmessage #empath #awakening #twinflamejourney #soulmates #ascension #higherdimensions #thirdeye #astralworld #twinflameunion #twinflameenergycheck #currentfeelings #stagesoftwinflame #souljourney #healing #HealingAngel #love #lightworker #loveandlight #energyhealing #tarotreadings #divinetarot #wheeloffortune #theempress #strength #thesun #tarotcards #tarotmessages #divinemessages #divineguidance #innerwork #shadowwork #dm #df #spiritualawakening #souljourney #karmareleasing #tarotreading #couplehealing #relationshipblockages #love #couplelove #pickacard #collectivereading #timelessreading #divinetarot #wheeloffortune #highpriestess #soulmate #lovereading #thirdparty #karmicblockages #lovehealing


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