Moving Toward Maturity – Dr. Charles Stanley

Описание к видео Moving Toward Maturity – Dr. Charles Stanley

When we were born again, we became children of God. As our Father, He intends for us to grow spiritually all the days of our lives.

In this message, Dr. Stanley tells us that it was predetermined that we would be saved to grow and conform to the likeness of Jesus Christ. As believers, if we don’t grow, there’s something wrong with us. Dr. Stanley teaches us how to judge, test, and gauge our growth as Christians. He also explains how we can change our conversations, our conduct, and our character.

A sanctified life is a life that is continually growing in holiness, righteousness, and obedience to God. Are you growing in your Christian life?

This message is part of the series The Path of Spiritual Maturity.

For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week's broadcast, go to


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