Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - 93 - Ichiban's Finale

Описание к видео Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - 93 - Ichiban's Finale

Time to Ichiban and his crew to head to Nele Island and wrap things up with Bryce! But the way there is quite eventful as the island has a natural guardian of sorts, a giant shark nicknamed the Tyrant of the Tides!
The level 46 beast is weak to Electricity while naturally resisting Water, in terms of offense it has some Water and Slash attacks and can cause Fear on your party. Make good use of the improvised weapons around, especially since their presence is an additional danger for you if the boss makes them explode.

Once the shark is defeated, you'll make your way to Nele Island and finally set foot on it, but of course Palekana isn't exactly rolling the red carpet, leading to an encounter against eight level 46 of their zealots! More will be on your way, of course, but there are also mines around, though they only deal 100 damage to Ichiban, best to avoid them as much as possible!
Keep your eyes peeled for a container with the Stellar Shadow Jacket for Joongi Han, as well.

Partway through, you'll find some friendly Palekana members, giving you a chance to recover and save, Chitose's Prima Ballerina Dress is also found in a container in that area.
Prepare well before patching up Joongi's injury, as it leads to a battle against not not-so-friendly Palekana members! Six level 47 zealots to be exact, joined by three more led by a level 48 one. After that, we find Wong Tou's son thanks to Chitose not forgetting about him, and move on to the training grounds.

Which of course means more fighting! Eight level 46 zealots throw themselves at us followed by three level 47 ones and their level 49 leader.
Once defeated, he opens the way for us to move forward... only to close it behind us as he mentions a "guardian"! Take the chance to heal up and save before moving on and meeting the guardian...

A giant squid nicknamed the Blessed Leviathan stands in the way! The beast is level 48 and it's accompanied by two level 47 tentacles that will take a turn preparing before doing... something! I didn't exactly give them a chance, actually... The Right Tentacle is weak to Electricity while the Left one is weak to Fire, some barrels can be used as improvised weapons to deal Fire damage.
The main body itself has no weakness at all and can use Aqua Breath, a Water attack that can inflict a Cold to a single target, or Ink Burst, also dealing Water damage but to the entire party along with a chance to Blind you. It'll also periodically regenerate its tentacles so you'll need to put them down again.

Once the beast is put down, you can proceed to an elevator leading to... more Palekana Zealots! They shouldn't be very tough after the previous battle and you'll reach a safe area after them, heal up and save because you're about to confront Bryce at last!

Naturally, the talk where he explains much of his plot doesn't lead to a friendly reconciliation, and so it's time to go shirtless and fight it out!
As you'd expect from a cult leader, he doesn't fight his own battles right away, instead you'll face off against five level 47 Zealots and their level 49 Officer, all wielding swords. Meanwhile Bryce will periodically "pray" announcing either his "Purging Flames" (A grenade dealing Fire damage) or "Summon Faithful", bringing a new enemy to the field.
Once the sword wave is defeated, their failure is punished by gun, flamethrower and chainsaw-wielding Palekana Elites, five at level 48, one at level 49. Additionally, Bryce can summon enemies that will sacrifice themselves to deal Fire damage to you!
Once that wave is dealt with, Bryce himself finally joins the battle! He's level 50 and accompanied by six level 48 Zealots, best to deal with them (The Ultimate Tag Team is a good way to do so) before focusing on the false Sage.
With his double SMGs, Bryce has plenty of ways to deal Gun damage to you with a lot of area attacks, as well as grenades to deal Fire damage. Amusingly, despite his composure he is not immune to Rage! He resists Fire but is weak to Water, so you can exploit that.
As he gets very low on HP, he'll lose his guns and grab a sword, struggling to the end as you're about to destroy his ambitions. In hindsight I should've finished him with the Essence of Roadside Weapon, but smacking his butt with a bat works too!

After this victory, Chitose will put everything on the line to expose Bryce's schemes, and now, only Kiryu and his crew can finish their own job...

0:00 Off to Nele Island!
3:23 Boss Fight: Tyrant of the Tides
12:08 We set foot on Nele Island, where we are quite unwelcome.
01:03:35 Boss Fight: Blessed Leviathan
01:21:21 We finally confront Bryce face-to-face.
01:36:21 Boss Fight: Bryce Fairchild (And his Palekana Warriors)
01:52:33 Bryce's ambitions come to an end, and it's time for Kiryu's party to act.


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