【ENG SUB 】【VIDEO 】Charlie Zhou Shen Behind-the-scenes Tidbits: How Zhou Shen 廣東衛視 流淌的歌聲 錄製花絮 周深

Описание к видео 【ENG SUB 】【VIDEO 】Charlie Zhou Shen Behind-the-scenes Tidbits: How Zhou Shen 廣東衛視 流淌的歌聲 錄製花絮 周深

2020.06.19 【ENG SUB 】【VIDEO 】Behind-the-scenes Tidbits: How Zhou Shen was “set up”?

1. Start from reminiscence

2. Applying hard work and sincerity

3. Adding secret ingredients!

4. Whining and begging

5. Whining and begging again

6. Whining and begging again and again

7. Whining and begging again, and again, and again

In addition to "Fade Away" 《煙花易冷》that we know of which will be one of the songs Zhou Shen will perform on the stage of Smoothly Flowing Melodies (premiering June 26), will we be hearing "Big Fish"《大魚》?? "Rose and the Deer"? 《玟瑰與小鹿》 "Blue and White Porcelain" 《青花瓷》? or "Thousands of Songs" 《千千闕歌》?

We sincerely wish that we will hear all of these songs he sang in this video, and more.


Source:Guangdong Television “Smoothly Flowing Melodies” 廣東衛視流淌的歌聲


Transcribed by KerCi Wo
Translated by 古代米lei
Edited by T Chai
Proofread by SunnyZ, T Chai
Subtitles entered by: SunnyZ


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