Nice flight with the moustache until I get too far into the lee. Beautiful flying area in Normandy

Описание к видео Nice flight with the moustache until I get too far into the lee. Beautiful flying area in Normandy

It was a great flight. However, with a wind speed of 18km/h and gusts of 33km/h, it was rather micxed meat. Had trouble keeping my height because I have 96kg at 18 square metres. But I found the updrafts and was able to keep my height steady. When I was able to raise the starting place, a gust moved me slightly and with the pendulum I got into the lee. After that, I had almost no pressure in the brake lines and still tried to fly to the left of the rock, but had so much sinking that I hard on the slope. Couldn't believe afterwards that I had almost nothing except some bruises and a little dust in my eyes. Not to imagine what could have gone wrong. Retrospectively, two wind directions were also felt when I ran back, and crossing winds are simply very dangerous so close to the terrain. A hard turn back into the wind would certainly have been good. But there probably are no intelligent accidents;)

#moustache #paragliding #gleitschirm #coast #gleitschirm #gleitschirmfliegen


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