Using Bear Spray in Cold & Poor Weather

Описание к видео Using Bear Spray in Cold & Poor Weather

Bruce Zawalsky, Author of Canadian Wilderness Survival and Wildlife Awareness Instructor explains how Bear Spray works in cold, inclement or poor weather and conditions. Bruce talks about using Bear Spray in temperatures as cold a -25°c, windy conditions and against a moving or charging bear. He explains and demonstrates the proper circular 2-second blast need to stop a charging bear, especially in the cold. Bruce deals with how to deploy and use Bear Spray properly and safely. At the end of the video, he defends himself using Bear Spray in a simulated black bear charge to show how quick and effective bear spray can be if used properly. Interested in learning more about bear and wildlife training online: If you like to watch more quality survival knowledge, please support this channel by Following us on YouTube and Watching and Liking our other survival videos. #wildlife #bears #bearspray


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