Joe Satriani: "Overdrive pedals are weird!" - Satch LIVE on AmpliTube Joe Satriani

Описание к видео Joe Satriani: "Overdrive pedals are weird!" - Satch LIVE on AmpliTube Joe Satriani #satriani #ampsim #guitar #joesatriani

Listen to Joe's new song exclusively available to stream here: (recorded with AmpliTube Joe Satriani and AXE I/O)

Watch our live interview with Joe Satriani where the guitar legend himself talks about AmpliTube Joe Satriani. Get authentic Joe Satriani tones on your Mac/PC or iPhone/iPad with AmpliTube Satriani, created with the man himself.

In this seventh video in the series, learn about why Joe thinks overdrive is weird and his great BOSS OD-1 overdrive and how his actual pedal is modeled in AmpliTube Joe Satriani (the Satch Overdrive in AmpliTube) from Joe himself, interviewed by Mark Menghi (Metal Allegiance, BPMD).

Satch Overdrive from AmpliTube Joe Satriani

Based on an early ‘80s Japanese-made BOSS® OD-1, this overdrive pedal has long been a standard for ‘70s and ‘80s classic and hard rock.


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