PERFECT Tank for "Super Red Bristlenose Pleco Breeding"

Описание к видео PERFECT Tank for "Super Red Bristlenose Pleco Breeding"

PERFECT Tank for "Super Red Bristlenose Pleco Breeding"


In this video I talk about a tank that I have yet to show on the channel, the Super Red Bristlenose Pleco Breeding tank. This is going to be a "Breeding Fish For Profit" where I am also breeding two other types of fish to maximize the potential in this tank. Breeding is a huge passion of mine here in the Otter Creek Aquatics Fish Room and I am happy to be stepping up to the next level and trying to breed these Ancistrus Super Red Bristlenose Plecos. Join me on this amazing breeding for profit journey, and don't forget to let me know if you have any questions, comments, or tips of your own along the way!!! :)

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   / @ottercreekaquatics  

-- Quality gear for this video --



-- Products Used in this Video --

Cobalt Pleco Caves:

Aqua Culture Aquarium Gravel:

Baby Pleco and Shrimp Brick:

Malaysian Drift Wood for Grazing:

Fluval Bug Bites Pleco Formula:

Hikari Algae Wafers:

Repashy Spawn & Grow:

Repashy Morning Wood:

-- Otter Creek Merch --

-- Check out my last videos --
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My Aquarium Box:    • #MyAquariumBox Unboxing  

More about me:

I am a hobbyist from Southern Indiana. I currently have 18 tanks and have a few more to add to the fish room. I keep a variety of livebearers, angel fish, rainbow fish, barbs, tetras, rasboras, corydoras, plecos and NeoCaridinia shrimp. I love helping people succeed in this hobby and hope to learn from you all as well (my subscribers). I hope to grow more in the FishTube community so I can reach more people both as a subscriber to my channel and me subscribing to theirs. Help me create an amazing Otter Creek Aquatics community!

If you have any questions or would just like to chat about fish and shrimp don't hesitate to contact me through email at [email protected]. Also, check out my store on for fish, shrimp, and plants.

Keep following your dreams and keep inspiring!!! I hope to talk soon :)
#SuperRedbristlenosepleco #Plecobreeding #Ancistrusplecos #Plecos #Plecostamus #Superredpleco #Bristlenosepleco

Disclaimer: This description box contains Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase through one of my links I get a kick back from the profits amazon makes!!! Thank you!


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