The Power of Generative AI in Cybersecurity

Описание к видео The Power of Generative AI in Cybersecurity

Over the past decades AWS has invested big in the security of its cloud and services, and we put it above everything else we do. Earning customer trust is key for any technology, and this is even more true for AI/ML. This is why almost all of the security capabilities that are outlined in the AWS CAF do not need to change for AI/ML.

However, one single component that sits outside of the domain that the cloud can completely own for you has been enriched: Vulnerability management on the application level. With AI/ML having a strong reliance on unstructured data and learning relationships between input and outputs through a complex system, such as neural networks whose inner functions remain somewhat foggy (a property of these types of models) the attack vector for AI/ML models’ customers build have increased.

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