Yaya Cube, Cafe Park | One Piece Odyssey (PS5)

Описание к видео Yaya Cube, Cafe Park | One Piece Odyssey (PS5)

#opo #OnePieceOdyssey #OnePiece #BandaiNamco #panyapin
Source video: "One Piece Odyssey (PS5) | EP. 16"

Madame Trade is an intelligent Yoisa living on Waford, near the Circular Inland Sea. She is a side character in One Piece Odyssey. As a Yoisa, she has bright yellow fur, along with a round head, thick lips, long arms and short legs. Trade loves Yaya Cubes, being willing to buy them off the Straw Hats without even introducing herself or being introduced to them. As a Yoisa, Trade presumably has the ability to become completely invisible at will. While exploring Waford, the Straw Hats found Trade


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