How to Master Benchmarks for B2B Lead Generation [Webinar]

Описание к видео How to Master Benchmarks for B2B Lead Generation [Webinar]

Why are benchmarks becoming more popular? In an era where information is abundant, differentiation comes from insights that are not only unique but actionable. Industry reports serve this need. They're not just reports; they're roadmaps to innovation, customer understanding, and strategic growth.

Now, you might wonder, how does this tie back to lead generation? It's all about authority and engagement. By producing and leveraging industry reports and benchmarks, you can engage in conversations armed with data, not just opinions. You become the go-to experts, the ones who don't just follow trends but define them.

1) Why benchmarks are becoming more important
2) Deep dive into the Scaling Readiness check Report from Peakora
3) Panel discussion about does and don’t for benchmarks
4) Q&A


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