Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to Stage #5—Using Sounds Within an Electronic Drum Sound Module

Описание к видео Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to Stage #5—Using Sounds Within an Electronic Drum Sound Module

Hybrid drumming simply combines acoustic and electronic drum gear into one setup. A Roland Hybrid Drums setup is helping drummers everywhere, at all levels, from the smallest to the largest stages to up their game and deliver impressive performances every night.

In this video, Joe Clegg (drummer and Musical Director for Ellie Goulding) and Adam Marcello (Katie Perry’s Musical Director and drummer) look at how you can recreate or copy a sound recorded in the studio, by editing sounds within a Roland drum module.

With guidance from our experts, you’ll be ready to impress your bandmates and help your band take it to the next level, delivering live performances that are a cut above the rest - simply by introducing some electronic drum and percussion gear to your acoustic kit.

For more information on Roland Hybrid Drums and to view other videos in the series, visit:

➤ Hybrid Performance:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ Introduction:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #1 Working Out The Sounds You Need:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #2 Breaking Up Songs Into Parts:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #3 Options for Playing Sounds:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #4 How to Get the Sounds You Need:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #5 Using Sounds Within an Electronic Drum Sound Module:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #6 Preparing Samples From the Recording Session For Playback:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #7 How to Playback and Perform With Your Sounds:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #8 Sounds: Hardware Drum Modules vs. Computer Software:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  
➤ #9 Choosing Your Hybrid Gear:    • Roland Hybrid Drums: From Studio to S...  

#roland #hybriddrums #joeclegg #adammarcello


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