Remembering Nirodbaran on his Birthday 17 November

Описание к видео Remembering Nirodbaran on his Birthday 17 November

I am hearing—through Nirod—things that Sri Aurobindo
said, and he himself says that he contradicted himself
a considerable number of times ... (...) and that, of course,
the two or three different ways are true. So we can
be as ... as wide as he!

In fact his understanding was very flexible—very flexible.
While listening to the things he said, I felt, that I had
understood very little of what he meant. And now that
I am more and more in touch with the supramental
Consciousness, I can see that it is extremely flexible—flexible
and complex—and that it is our narrow human
consciousness that sees things ... (Mother draws little
squares in the air) fixed and definite.

And I can see that when one goes above
the mind, it becomes ... it is like waves on
the sea.
The Mother (February 14, 1973)


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