Gold Severum Cichlid Care

Описание к видео Gold Severum Cichlid Care

Gold severum Care and Tank Setup. I feed all my gold severums this quality brand "omega one" pellets. Spend a couple extra dollars and get a quality food because your fish will really appreciate it.

Aquarium gold severum Cichlid Care Guide. That means absolutely nothing. The water could be already dechlorinated and at the right temperature, or they could have already added dechlorinator to the tank before adding water as many people do.

When people say their perameters are fine, 99% of the time they're not. Have seen at least 10 posts in the last 2 days where "fine" was far from it. What exactly were your fine perameters. Well “fine” is not a water parameters. Can you show us your test results?

Puffer most likely have parasites when you buy them, it could be many reasons why your fish passed. Why is Petco not giving you your money back based on their warranty, they must have told you.

sorry I misread, so they have no warranty on fish at that place? Did they gave you any reason it may have died?
I mean it could be stress, parasites, illness, water. The puffer died for a reason. If I were you I would look into that reason rather than just insisting everything is fine.

So you bought a fish they told you was probably old and didn't provide it the necessary water requirements, I'm not sure why you're dragging their name through the mud. I've lost a few fish that were over $30 and not once have I blamed the store. Coming from petco you dont necessarily know the condition of the fish before getting it. It could have just been sick already and being stressed from the move to a new tank really set it off.

How long was your tank set up for? What was the temp? Did you allow the different temperatures to catch up to each other before putting the fish in the tank?
However petco has to refund you-its their store wide policy. You need to bring in the passed fish for your refund.

I worked at petco for a year. They just changed policy where you don’t have to bring in the body. Simply claim another fish ate it before you got it out, or you didn’t want to keep a stinky fish carcass in your house.
Just letting you know because I hated having to save nasty fish bodies for no reason other then for them to toss them in the trash. Severum cichlids.

It could have lived its full life in freshwater. They are not freshwater puffers but are sold as so. They need brackish when young and full salt as adults. Their lifespan in freshwater is largely shortened. Gold Severum Care.

I mean thats the down side of purchasing live stock. You have to be able to spot a sick or weakened animal. My lfs has a no returns or exchanges. But if a fish died after one day they would for sure give me another one. Mainly because they know me and ive kept all sorts of fish with no problem. Maybe if they get to know you better they understand your a true hobbyist and not just looking for cute fishies lol for all they know you took that puffer and put it in a fishbowl (i know you didnt. but they dont know that) buildi g a relationship with your lfs is very helpful.

Funny finding this video. I bought one this very morning. Baby golden. Had to have him he was in a cichlid tank with huge fish around him I'll never know how he never was munched! But obviously a character. And for a tenner? Such a bargain. I had them years back around 1981;massive ones. And tame ..feeding from my hand all gentle like. I'm gonna get a red spotted one too hopefully they'll get along. I'll attempt to hand feed train these ones too. Love your video. And fish..the whole layout. Respect from London Epping forest.


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