The Rise of Changamire Dombo & The Rozvi Empire - MADZINZA USENDO MOYONDIZVO VAROZVI Part 2

Описание к видео The Rise of Changamire Dombo & The Rozvi Empire - MADZINZA USENDO MOYONDIZVO VAROZVI Part 2

In our ongoing discussion of the Moyondizvo, specifically the Rozvi people, we explore how Gatsi Rusere formed an alliance with the Portuguese and the repercussions that followed. This alliance is believed to have contributed to the rise of Changamire Dombo.

To understand this further, let's delve into Part 2 of the Moyondizvo discussion. Changamire Dombo rebelled against the Portuguese, leading a formidable force of soldiers. He successfully fought against the Portuguese, driving them back to the sea. This marked the beginning of the Rozvi name, and it is widely acknowledged that Changamire Dombo is the founder of the Rozvi people.


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