PanKrab Supers take the bait | EVE Online

Описание к видео PanKrab Supers take the bait | EVE Online


Story time provided by Akov Stohs.

A devious plan was hatched by Timoxa, Alliance exec of Deepwater Hooligans and current leader of the Amarr Militia. Plan was simple, we set about getting toons into Horde and Rental corps, specifically targeting groups that had programs to help newbies get into dreads and capitals. In little to no time, we had amassed a dread cache in Horde staging, largely paid for by various subsidies. From there we moved the dreads via the PanFam Beacon network into advantageous systems, and simply ejected the ships for awaiting Deepwater pilots and logged off awaiting the today. We invited friends in Rote to join us, as they are always down for a good giggle. They acquired, or moved their own dreads.

So we had the fleet, we just needed a target. We scouted out DeathKiller21 has being specifically vulnerable, and easily baitable. So over a few weeks we continuously dropped on Krabbing dreads and Rorqs adopting a "PNI A Day" goal to lul PanKrab into a sense of routine.

The stage was set, and our scouting of Deathkiller21s Revenant was intense...near constant locators running, we finally saw him online, with his revenant in range! So we dropped bombers a Random Nyx on a KrabBeacon. To our glee we saw the revenant, and several other supers + fax jump to the dieing Nyx. Immediately our coms spy Shouted into horde coms calling for Hics to bubble the Staging undock. Hopping multiple channels all saying the same thing, dozens of Hordelings obliged, covering the entire keepstar undock in hic bubbles, preventing any further reinforcements from joining the fight. We login our hidden dreads, Jump onto the revenant, and nearly one shot the bewildered Deathkiller21. Many of our Bomber pilots change into Hics/Dictors to tie down our targets. Deathkiller21 may have tried to warp off, or even Jump...but he probably found his fuel bay was very empty. The revenant died very quickly, so we turned our sites on the blingest super thats been flying recently to kill an officer fit Vendetta. The rest of the faction supers scatter, but we tackle down another pair of Hels...managing to kill one, and put the second into half structure before the rest of the PanKrab supers were able to clear their own Hictors off of their own staging keepstar. PanKrab titans come in and dd green down our dread fleet.

Luckily, our elite loot group managed to loot all the Super Wrecks before we then killed the wrecks. Our other bombers looted our dieing dreads, before also managing to kill most of the friendly wrecks.

Music:    • Regina Spektor - Fidelity [Official M...  


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