Christoph Görg & Ulrich Brand: Opportunity for a great socio-ecological transformation

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On the Corona-crisis and its relevance for political and social ecology, and on the possibilities for a great socio-ecological transformation toward pluralist post-capitalist states, societies and politics, this Friday we are joined by social and political ecologists dr. Ulrich Brand and dr. Christoph Görg.

Ulrich Brand is professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna, Austria. He has published widely on the crisis of global environmental governance, social-ecological transformation, critical state theory, degrowth and Latin America. He is a member of the organizing committee of the Degrowth Viena 2020 Conference. His forthcoming book, co-authored with Markus Wissen, carries the title “The Imperial Mode of Living: On the Exploitation of Human Beings and Nature in Global Capitalism”.

Christoph Görg is professor of social ecology and head of the Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna. He has published widely on the transformation of societal nature relations, empirical studies of socio-ecological transformations, biodiversity loss, interfaces between science and policy, SDG implementation and transformations of politics and the state.

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O korona krizi in njeni relevantnosti za politično in socialno ekologijo, ter o možnostih velike transformacije v različne oblike sonaravnih post-kapitalističnih držav, družb in politike, se nam ta petek pridružita socialna in politična ekologa dr. Christoph Görg in dr. Ulrich Brand.

Ulrich Brand je profesor mednarodne politike na Univerzi na Dunaju. Je strokovnjak in avtor mnogih del na področjih krize globalnega okoljskega vladovanja (“global environmental governance”), družbeno-ekoloških transformacij, kritične teorije države, odrasti in Latinske Amerike. Je član organizacijskega komiteja Konference o odrasti 2020 na Dunaju. Njegova prihajajoča knjiga v soavtorstvu z Markusom Wissenom nosi naslov “The Imperial Mode of Living: On the Exploitation of Human Beings and Nature in Global Capitalism.”

Christoph Görg je profesor socialne ekologije na Oddelku za ekonomijo in družbene vede ter trenutni vodja Inštituta za socialno ekologijo Univerze za naravne vire in življenjske vede (BOKU) na Dunaju. Je strokovnjak in avtor mnogih del, med drugim na področjih transformacije družbenih razmerij do narave, empiričnih raziskav družbeno-ekoloških transformacij, izgube biodiverzitete, vmesnikov med znanostjo in politikami, implementacije ciljev trajnostnega razvoja ter transformacij politike in države.

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Ulrich Brand, Christoph Görg & Markus Wissen (2020) Overcoming neoliberal globalization: social-ecological transformation from a Polanyian perspective and beyond. Link to full article:

Christoph Görg , Ulrich Brand et al. (2017) Challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations: Contributions from Social and Political Ecology. Link to full article:

Christoph Görg (2018) Anthropocene as a challenge for political ecology. Lecture at International Summer School of Political Ecology Ljubljana:    • dr. CHRISTOPH GÖRG: The Anthropocene ...  


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