Rachel & Carl--Carl Is Arrested

Описание к видео Rachel & Carl--Carl Is Arrested

Carl asks Rachel if she believes in fate. Rachel replies that she believes we have some say in what happens to us. Carl says we have a say in the opportunities that fate provides us. Though he lost Perry, he has been given another chance with another son. Rachel says a lot depends on that son. Captain Cooper and a uniformed officer arrive then to arrest Carl. While Carl is being read his rights, he says they can dispense with all that because he's heard it many times and knows his right. Rachel says she won't press charges against Carl unless they absolutely need it to hold him, because she's spent enough court time with Carl. As he's being led away, Carl thanks Rachel for listening to him, and tells her that she knows deep in her heart that Mac would agree that a father is entitled to his son. Rachel points out that Ryan is a grown man and asks Carl how he intends to act on that. Carl replies, "I've got to make him mine," and then Captain Cooper and the uniformed lead him away, leaving Rachel alone in the stables. Thanks to Janie for the scenes.


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