Tomb Raider III Remastered - High Security Compound (All Trophies/Pick-ups/Incredibly Hard Boiled)

Описание к видео Tomb Raider III Remastered - High Security Compound (All Trophies/Pick-ups/Incredibly Hard Boiled)

In the second level of Nevada Lara wakes up in a cell with nothing but her artifact and a small medipack. Good news though, other than in the original game, we get at least a majority of our belongings back during this level. Collecting everything will collide with "The Quick and the Dead" which we have to work towards during the final part. Because if we keep the guard away from the handprint scanner, one large medipack will be unavailable for us. We need two different saves for Area 51 anyways if we're going for Incredibly Hard Boiled and all possible trophies in the same playthrough. One for "The Quick and the Dead" and one for pistols-only, so feel free to finish this level twice if you want all collectibles. However make sure to collect Crystal #3 regardless of your choice.

If you're just interested in trophies and don't want to collect all items make sure to stop the guard with your pistols and skip the final 7 minutes of this video. You only need this part if you want to collect everything for a different save.
As for collectibles, we have to collect 2 secrets and 3 crystals (29 in total after the level) and we can collect up to 34 items.

I'll point out the next item/trophy to get in the upper left corner :)

I hope you enjoy and if this video was helpful please like and subscribe :)

Trophies in this video:
I'm Not Very Sociable - Eliminate the MP guard before he lets backup in - Just sprint up the ramp until Lara locks onto him and ignore the other ones.
Resourceful Attorney - Keep all the prisoners alive - Similar to the monks trophy in TR2, but much easier, because only a small amount of soldiers is armed.

00:00 Secret #1 (Small Medipack)
02:29 Small Medipack + Shotgun Ammo + Keycard Type A
04:27 Small Medipack
08:14 Small Medipack
09:14 Crystal #1
10:07 Small Medipack
11:40 Keycard Type B
12:26 Large Medipack + Uzi Ammo
13:12 Yellow Security Pass + Box of Flares
14:18 Yellow Security Pass
17:06 Crystal #2
18:29 Box of Flares
18:50 Small Medipack
19:06 Large Medipack + Pistols + Desert Eagle + Desert Eagle Ammo x2 + Parts of our belongings
20:27 Small Medipack
22:08 Grenades x2 + Keycard Type B
23:32 Secret #2 (Grenade Launcher)
23:55 Trophy: I'm Not Very Sociable
25:45 Blue Security Pass + Grenades
26:29 Trophy: Resourceful Attorney
---------------Optional Part------------------
31:04 All Collectibles
32:11 Large Medipack
32:26 Small Medipack
34:17 Yellow Security Pass
35:02 Crystal #3
35:08 Desert Eagle Ammo + Small Medipack
36:29 Uzi Ammo + Grenades

#tombraider #tombraider3 #remastered #trophyhunter #ps5trophies #laracroft


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