Nelson's Top 10 Testosterone Replacement Commandments

Описание к видео Nelson's Top 10 Testosterone Replacement Commandments

Nelson Vergel, author of Testosterone: A Man's Guide ( and founder of and, talks about what he thinks are the most important 10 things that all men on testosterone replacement therapy should know to maximize benefits and minimize side-effects. For questions for Nelson, please register on and post them on the forum page. For affordable blood tests in the US with no doctor visit:

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) requires regular monitoring and adjustments, including injections administered subcutaneously, using a very small syringe, and regular blood tests to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy.
It is important to understand the best practices for administering the injections and the importance of never cycling the therapy on and off.
It is also important to protect one's testicles, fertility, and upstream hormones by talking to one's doctor about HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
Finally, it is important to present oneself in the best way possible to one's doctor in order to ensure the best care possible.

In this video, Nelson Vergel shares his top 10 testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) commandments based on his experience and observations from over 40,000 posts on

💡 Testosterone replacement is not a magic bullet, and results may vary depending on various factors such as sleep quality, weight, overall health, and medications.
💡 Do not obsess about estradiol (a form of estrogen). It is an important hormone for bone health, cognitive function, sexual function, body composition, and cardiovascular health. Monitor estradiol levels accurately before taking any action.
💡 Monitor hematocrit closely during the first six to eight months of TRT. Testosterone replacement can increase red blood cell production, leading to increased blood viscosity and potential cardiovascular risks. Regular blood donations may be necessary to maintain healthy hematocrit levels.
💡 Explore easier ways to administer testosterone injections, such as subcutaneous or shallow intramuscular injections, using smaller needles. Painful injections with larger needles are no longer necessary.
💡 Consider dividing the testosterone dosage into smaller, more frequent injections (e.g., twice a week) for better stability and absorption.
💡 Proper monitoring of estradiol levels and hematocrit is crucial. Use accurate testing methods (liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for estradiol) and maintain regular check-ups.
💡 Work with a knowledgeable doctor who understands TRT and can provide personalized guidance based on your individual needs.


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