“Starmaker” Kenny Bolin “Shootin’ The Shiznit” for Episode 400! FB LIVE !

Описание к видео “Starmaker” Kenny Bolin “Shootin’ The Shiznit” for Episode 400! FB LIVE !

“Starmaker” Kenny Bolin joins Brian Tramel for a new episode of “Shootin’ The Shiznit” for Episode 400! Kenny & BT talk about Kroger scam, Tojo Yamamoto, Prince calls in, OVW pay, Big Show and much more !

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In partnership with Championship Wrestling on CW30! Every Saturday at Noon on YouTube. Follow them on Twitter: @cw30wrestling

Championship Wrestling presented by Pro Shingle is proud to announce the premiere of Championship Wrestling from Memphis. The first television tapings will take place at Top of the Line Event Hall on Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 2pm.

Championship Wrestling from Memphis will feature legends of Memphis
Wrestling, along with the very best local wrestling talent to be featured every Saturday at noon on WLMT-TV/CW30. Limited tickets are available at championshipwrestlingmemphis.com, including $15 ringside, $10 general admission and $5 kids tickets.

All health department guidelines will be strictly enforced including limited capacity, social distancing, temperature checks and mask requirement.
Dustin & Maria Starr, along with David Marquez from the United Wrestling Network will work in conjunction with Eighty Five Creative to produce the brand new television series in Memphis.

Would you like to bring LIVE WRESTLING to your town ? Call American Hostel Championship Wrestling !! mark @ 636 232 3313 or Mike @ 731 589 8103 Follow them on Facebook ! Search “American Hostile Championship Wrestling.”

Patreon members gets access to the full video stream of the episode along with the uncut audio version that includes before and after the show.

Search “shootintheshiznit” on Patreon !

  / shootintheshiznit  

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  / starmaker-kenny-bolin-sts-episode-68  

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  / kenny-starmake-bolin-sts-episode-91  

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